Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

what about now?

aku gak pernah mimpi buat ninggalin sahabat-sahabatku.. mereka hidupku.. so here's the story.. i got into science program and all my best-bud got into social program (it's TOTALLY diff from my program, it even has it own floor). all my new classmates, they're all total snob. they interact with their own friends. i simply can't deal with that. i miss my dearly friends.. and when i totally in down condition, i picked to speak honest to my fam. i can't stand in science program. i am all alone there. all, yeah ALL, my friends in social program. i felt like i've been left alone. now i know crying won't solve anything. but i don't know what else i should do or say or tell. i'm living my own life. i'm a spoiled girl, but i sacrifice in a way people don't understand. being in hell like this is part of my sacrifice for people like my fam, my bf, and myself. then someday, i realized that i shouldn't give up yet. i'm standing there as a girl who wants to study seriously. i have all my dreams needs to be come true. you, lover, was the one who keep the dreams alive. the dream i found in you. i'm gonna study hard to reach our dreams. dreams that will never be replaced. tho hesitate still came to me, but it's the dreams who keeps me survive. keeps me from falling.

*keep dreaming, cuz God will embrace your dreams

Kamis, 29 Mei 2008

tidak tidak TIDAAAAKK !!

besok ulangan umum!! tidaaaak!! aku belum siaaaaap!! ooohhhh nooo mamaaaa!!

-ini memang gilaaa .. tapi inilah SMA !!-
*dewi",sori yah minjem lirik. hehehe*

fiuh ... hari ini chintia, billa n riska main keruma ku. bilangnya c mau belajar buat besok ulangan.. tapi yaaah.. namanya juga anak muda.. ujung2nya ngbuka fs, ngegame, daaan GOSSIPY! YEAH! its normal .. normal ..
trus tadi ada muhasabah gitu di skolah. kok kayaknya ulangan umum bener" sesuatu yang penting dan urgent yah.. i don't see any big deal frm that thing.. my school just making it. fiuh..
cha" mau pindah ke cilegon. yaaah... bubai cah". see u in another life.. (huaduh)!
bakal pisah juga sama temen" x.g .. ternyata perpisahan bikin kita semua tambah deket.. knapa ya kita malah deketnya pas uda mau mencar.. knp gak pas dari dulu" ajah ?? yaah.. prinsipnya sama kayak penyesalan. always come late.
tapi bukan berarti gk bisa ketemu lagi kaan .. masi satu skola kok. hehe..
perpisahan mau ke anyer.. tapi lebih pengen lagi ke filipin.. hehe..

huh! belom ulangan umum aja udah mikirin liburan! abcd.. adu bo cape deee .. hoho

well guys, aku mau belajar neh. besok kimia + pkn. wismilak yah.

buat tmn" X.G:
*u'll see my footprints in the sand

Rabu, 28 Mei 2008

bad wednesday ..

everything aren't the same when i was in the old days ..
everything's totally changed !!
aah feels like i'm fooling everyone .

yang2x .. ah .. do u know how much i miss u ?
i've learned tagalog cuz of u .
i don't know if it means anything 4 u .
aku suka kamu, yang2x ..

btw, hari jumat nanti mau ulangan umum !! TIDAAAAK !!
wah wah .. aku butuh persiapan ..
seperti .. bikin kertas contekan .. hehe
kidding aja bro .
mau masuk IPA .. bisa ndak yaa ?? semoga bisa . AMIN !
mau ngeluarin unek" niih ..
tapi apa yaa ??
paling cuma masalah yang2x ajah .
yodah , krn saya gatau mau nulis apa lagi , sampe ketemu lagi yaa !

goodbye . adios .